13th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles
Capri, Napoli (Italy) September 10-14, 2017
Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts of 300 words or less for review by the General Committee. Abstracts will be submitted on-line and managed by the SAE My Tech Zone tool. Upon submission, the paper tracking number will be sent by email. Paper acceptance will be based on organizer moderated peer-reviews of review-ready manuscript. Authors should prepare their papers according to SAE International format. For additional information, please contact SAE_NA Secretary at saena@im.cnr.it
ICE2017 is organized by SAENA Italian SAE section with Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN (USA) and Istituto Motori-CNR - Napoli (Italy).
Abstracts due to SAE January 15, 2017
Draft Manuscript due to organizers March 20, 2017
Final Manuscript due to SAE June 12, 2017
Topics of the Conference
Engine Modeling and Diagnostics
0-D and 1-D Modeling and Numerics
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling
Combustion and Flow Diagnostics
Engine Management and Control
Engine Combustion
Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines
Combustion in Compression Ignition Engines
Combustion in Gaseous-Fueled Engines
Abnormal Combustion and Cyclic Dispersion
New Engines, Components, Actuators, & Sensors
CI & SI Engines Technology
Thermal management
Powertrain NVH
Alternative Engine Architectures
Enabling Technologies
Hybrid and Electric Powertrains
Advanced Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Powertrains
Controls for Hybrids and electric powertrains
Advanced Fuel Cell Applications
Range Extending Engines
Powertrain Systems
Fuels and Lubricants
Fuel Injection and Sprays: Modeling
Fuel Injection and Sprays: Experiments
Alternative and Advanced Fuels
Automotive Lubricants
Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions
Exhaust Emission Control Systems
Emission Control Modeling
Emissions Measurement and Testing
Particle Emissions from Combustion Sources
Low Temperature Catalysis